Peoples General Insurance

Mission statement: Offers best service

We are committed to provide avenues for the employees to achieve high levels of personal development and uplift their standard of living, in proportion to their contribution to the company’s growth and profitability.

mission statement

People's General Insurance Corporation Is a service company, which exists
To deliver the best service to the Insuring public in the Philippines,
in Respect to their non-life insurance needs.

People’s General Insurance Corporation Is committed to provide avenues
For the employees to achieve high levels of Personal development, And uplift their
Standard of living, in proportion to their Contribution to the company’s profitability and growth.

People’s General Insurance Corporation Further commits itself to contribute
To the nation’s welfare, as a Reasonable and socially aware corporate Citizen, and to
provide an equitable return To our shareholders.”

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As the nation experiences an economic upsurge, stability becomes an increasingly important matter. The gains that have been made need to be protected if we are to continue with progress and achieve a positive growth pattern. However, we are exposed to certain risks daily. Risks, which may easily take away the things, we have worked hard for.

Insurance does not prevent accidents from taking place. However, it does relieve those with proper coverage from the dreaded consequence of financial loss. This form of protection proves to be vital to all of us. And the benefits of insurance extend to a greater number of people.

Consumers rely on a constant flow of products and services that business provide Occurrences that disrupt their operations will also affect the supply of items, which may be essential; Thus bringing drastic effects on the public. Moreover, the personnel hired by an affected firm may suffer sudden unemployment.

With appropriate insurance bankruptcies can be avoided, production capabilities are stabilized, and the clients and the workforce are protected.

Individual property owners likewise benefit much from insurance. By protecting the funds they have invested in material things they acquire, they are also provided with the peace of mind that everyone seeks. Friends and Family are likewise spared from having to assist them heavily in case of losses or damages.

Insurance works to provide us with the stability needed for growth and progress. For our own good, and that of our community and the whole country as well.

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